
Personal Definition:
Methods that include randomness. Wandering without a specific target in mind, to allow the subconscious to lead the research to unexpected outcomes.


How to use it:
I say "methods" because there are different ways to use it.
The classical dérive from Situationists, that involves wandering around the city without a direction and be open for unexpected insights.

A similar approach is going to the library and pick unknown books based on what catches the attention. Visual analysis can then lead to interesting discoveries.

Documentation is taken through pictures, sketches or audio/video recordings.

When to use it:
In the pre-production phase, or even before the assignment is clear.

Wandering has something to do with keeping an open mind for unexpected interests or answers to be found. It can be useful to find a starting idea or to refresh my mind whenever I feel stuck and I need to take distance from all the previous informations I have gathered.

This is the theoretical approach to dérive because in this case it allows to have informations that are yet to become practical attempts for the production.

It is different than direct observation because the goal here is not clear before the method is applied.
Good <--