Module C
Gabriel and Seecum
Freedom of Movement

Embodying the arrows sign
By embodying the arrow we visualised through a specific physicality what is the connotation of a sign that indicates one possible way.

By framing this exercise in stop-motion, we also noticed how the playfulness and organic quality of bodies paradoxically emerged while trying to represent something restrictive.
Freedom of Movement

Final Presentation

Wearable Lamps
What am I?

I am the extension of this body, you can call me a wearable lamp. ​

I can float over your head, carried around like late night thoughts.​

Or I can stay in your arms, shining while I press your belly button.​

People put me at the bus stop, at the tram stop, near the trains, ​

but you’re my public transport.​

I can shine a light where no one can,​

where the night would make you look for your feet.​

Just hold me ‘till you can and put me back on charge the next day,​

‘till someone else will shake and carry me again.​

The project started by considering the idea of safety when traveling at night.
We were inspired by light design on the streets for affecting people behaviour.

The wearable lamps work like the e-bikes you can rent:

Booking and paying through an app
Low price per hour/day
Recharging with a dynamo and at public transport stops
A GPS installed